Choose a specific area for help
All about the food. Learn everything you need to know about the calories you consume. "Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food." - Hippocrates "Thou shouldst eat to live; not live to eat." - Socrates
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Learn what you can do to stay active...even when medical issues become an obstacle. Movement of the body means calmness of the mind. There is no medicine as good as being physically active. Studies show that exercise helps mind and body in ways medication can not. "Sweat is just fat crying." - Anonymous
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Motivation and Support
"Mind over matter." If you don't mind, it don't matter. There is not doubt in my mind or worry in my thoughts that there is one thing very true...YOU CAN DO THIS! Talk to Cali our AI about any concern you may have about getting started, staying started, failing, succeeding, or simply a question about how to get started.
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Medical Support
Ah, yes. We've all heard about the Ozempics of the world. There's a difference between hearing about something and learning about something. Learn about any medical treatments for weight loss by simply asking Cali. Our AI can answer most questions regarding medicine as long as the medicine existed before 2021. Cali can also help you schedule a virtual visit with a weight loss specialist if needed.
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